Thursday, February 19, 2009

ES201 Pre-discussion Socialized Health Care 2/19/09

The global map that you see above represents the different types of health care coverage that can be found throughout the world. The color orange represents Iraq and Afghanistan's health care that is funded by the American military/government. The countries shaded in gray represent nations that do not have socialized health care. The countries shaded in blue do have a socialized health care system. And the countries shaded in green are attempting to implement a socialized health care plan.I only know the bare minimum when it comes to the idea of socialized health care and all of its different components.And based off what i've heard I don't think it's a bad idea totally i'm just not sure if it's "the American way".I believe that our country being so young but also growing very fast has a lot to do with competition that's created within our society in which people who work really hard are eventually rewarded with nice things and a fairly comfortable lifestyle.So the idea of everyone receiving the same level of treatment kind of throws me for a loop, I mean where's the competition in that?If that's the case in socialized health care then what incentive would someone have to work hard in life if they were already guaranteed the same level of health care that a millionaire would receive but they could receive it by simply sitting on a couch and collecting welfare checks.I'm not saying in any way that all people on welfare are abusing the system but instead just providing a possible example.I don't fully understand all the policies on socialized health care and how it differs from our current health care system but to me giving everyone the same quality of care regardless of income and social status is no doubt a socialist idea and maybe even bordering on the beliefs and practices of communism.Health care is known to be a very valuable thing to be in possession of.But why would anybody work hard their entire lives to just receive standard health care just as no one in their right mind would study their entire lives to become a brain surgeon so they could make the same annual salary as a janitor.Competition and reward is what drives our nation and is the "American way".If health care is socialized then what will be socialized next in American life?It would leave a potential for the values and beliefs that this country was built on to just be thrown away forever.

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